Aaron Brown. Mr. Brown currently acts as the Chief Executive Officer for the Norstar Group of Companies. In this role, Mr. Brown oversees all business development and strategic planning for the Group in Canada. He is an integral part of the Executive Management Team, providing visionary guidance to the group of companies towards increased growth and expansion into new industry sectors.
Over the last 13 years as Executive Vice President, Aaron has worked on every facet of the group’s business portfolio. Mr. Brown has extensive experience in land acquisition, development and leasing, and has also been involved in the rezoning of various parcels of land for high density residential condominium development.

Mr. Brown is responsible for pioneering Norstar’s foray into the renewable energy sector and has successfully established Norstar’s renewable energy business. With the advent of Ontario’s Green Energy and Economy Act and its Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) Program, Mr. Brown saw the opportunity for Norstar to incorporate into its corporate mandate a commitment to green energy and reducing our carbon footprint for future generations. Under Mr. Brown’s leadership, Norstar has established a new company within the group which focuses on the construction and implementation of roof-top solar photovoltaic systems (Solar PV), a reliable and sought after technology for clean and relatively maintenance-free power production.

Prior to joining the Norstar Group of Companies in 2000, Mr. Brown had established a successful career in the financial services industry as an Investment Advisor spanning over 12 years.

Mr. Brown holds a Bachelor’s Degree from York University and various securities certifications from the Canadian Securities Institute including for Canadian securities, options and futures.